Weight: male: 80, female:70 lbs
Height: male: 27.5, female 25.5 inches
Color(s): white
Character: The Komondor can be very protective, but calm in the house if he senses no danger. Does very well in obedience, and is willing to please his owner. Due to his protective nature, this breed should be well socialized at an early age.
Temperament: A very devoted member of his family, the Komondor is loving and loyal. This breed is naturally a great guardian, which makes him good for guard dog work, however his guarding instincts can turn into aggressiveness, as he tends to protect everything he believes is his.
Care: The Komondor has very sensitive skin when it comes to certain flea and tick preventative, however it must regularly be treated as the coat is thick and corded making it difficult to remove them. Long hair can grow in between the pads of the feet, so this must be trimmed.
Training: The Komondor is very intelligent, but can be willful and is independent, so he should require obedience training as an early age. As a puppy, he should be experienced to new sights and surroundings to avoid aggression later.
Activity: The Komondor is not recommended for apartment life or city life. He does best in a country type environment. However, will do well in a home if given regular opportunities to run in a fenced yard. Komondors can also be very lazy, making exercise mainly his responsibility.

Working Group